Crystal Head
Crystal Head Vodka 50ml
Crystal Head Vodka 50ml
Produced in Newfoundland, Canada, Crystal Head is a multi-award winning, ultra-premium vodka that was created by actor, musician, and comedian Dan Aykroyd and renowned artist John Alexander. The vodka is distilled four times from high quality peaches and cream Ontario corn and blended into a neutral grain spirit with the pristine, untouched waters of Newfoundland. The vodka is then filtered seven times, of which three are through layers of semi-precious crystals known as Herkimer diamonds. Crystal Head contains no additives and is naturally gluten-free.A clean, clear, colourless spirit. On the nose – neutral grain aromas with a delicate touch of citrus. Silky smooth with a hint of sweetness and vanilla. A sweet, creamy finish.
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NSW Metro: 1-3 business days from pickup by courier*
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* Please note that these delivery times are estimates.
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